Monday, November 14, 2011

Mental Organism Designed Only For Kink

Another 'what do I draw, bbff?' night.  He suggested Modok at fetish night.

There were some markers lying around and i wanted the ball gag red but I think I should have kept it just white black and red because the composition was better that way. 

Despite requesting this my bbff finds it deeply,  deeply disturbing. He says there's something about the face that makes him think someone could have drawn it with actual, prurient intent instead of as a joke.

I don't know where the hell he's seeing that. 

By the way, did you know my blog has another rule besides the non-dominant hand one?  I am also not allowed to look at any reference material whatsoever when I draw.  So if popular characters look a little offmodel, or even REALLY REALLY offmodel that's what's going on there.

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